Thank you for viewing the NWT Arts Displays at Gate 7 and 72 in the Edmonton International Airport. We appreciate your interest in learning more about the unique artists of the Northwest Territories and the inspirational story of their artwork.
Safe travels and we hope to see you in the Northwest Territories someday!
Art of the Northwest Territories | Gate 72
Canada's Northwest Territories (NWT) is composed of 33 communities spread over more than one million square kilometres. It is home to five regions including the Dehcho Region, South Slave Region, North Slave Region, Sahtu Region, and the Beaufort Delta Region. There are 11 official languages and three distinct Aboriginal groups across the territory: Dene, Inuit and Métis.
The rich heritage and traditions of the territory’s First Nations peoples have always been an integral part of their cultures. With little else than what could be found in nature, these groups were able to survive and flourish in the harsh Arctic landscape. This spirit can still be seen today in residents who still live a traditional way of life including hunting, fishing, trapping and gathering from the land. Read more.
Kaylene Mabbitt | Tufted, Beaded, Quill Earrings
I am constantly learning and growing, and interested in all forms of original Indigenous designs and artwork. Read More.
D'Arcy Moses | Quillwork and Moosehide Corset with Grizzly Bear Fur
The name D’Arcy Moses is synonymous with innovative Indigenous fashion. Read More.
Lena Moosenose | Traditionally Tanned Moosehide Mukluks with Beading and Rabbit Trim
I have many memories of sitting by the woodstove for light and practiced my sewing. Read more.
Camilla Tutcho | Moosehide Gautlet Gloves with Beading and Beaver Trim
I teach my two granddaughters how to sew and they do it very well. It feels so good to pass the knowledge and teach them never to give up on anything. Read more.
Kandace Sittichinli | Beaded Flower Pendant with Quills and Silver Fox Fur Trim
Art of the Northwest Territories | Gate 7
The Northwest Territories is diverse in nature - and so are the artists that live here. Surrounded by the natural beauty of the land and rich culture and tradition of its people, artists of all genres are inspired to create and share the story of their art. Read more.
Traditional Artwork
From artists such as Lucy Simon, Lucy Nigiyok, Louisa Moreau, and Athena Grandjambe.
Contemporary Artwork
From artists such as Crystal Lennie, David Speakman, and Genivieve Clarke.
Literary Artwork
From authors such as Erika Nyyssonen, Jay Bulckaert and Hovak Johnson.
In stores and galleries, the NWT Arts logo identifies authentic Northwest Territories arts and fine crafts created by artists registered with the NWT Arts Program. Artists create one-of-a-kind handmade pieces that capture their northern spirit and share their unique stories of living in Canada’s Northwest Territories.