Cindy Gordon

Beaufort Delta

Artist Story

I like to do embroidery and beading. I started sewing when I enrolled in a course at Aurora College. My niece and my cousin had already registered, so I decided to try it out to spend time with them and learn a new skill. I was happy to be accepted into the program. We made slippers from scratch and beaded bags as well as two pouch bags.

I really love making flower patterns when I bead. When we did the moose hide pouches at the college, I decided to try a different design. Instead of flowers, I decided to bead two hearts on my bags and liked the end result. I also do embroidery, which I find easier than beading. When I embroider, I tend to do chain stitches the most.

What I like the most about sewing is that I can get together with my friends and family. I really love to share time with the ladies while we all work on our projects! I also love the feeling of completing a piece of artwork I’ve put a lot of effort into.

Ultimately, I am developing my skills and making art for myself. I have made some canvas shoes for two of my boys, and I will make another pair for my other son. In the future, what I would like to sew the most would be canvas mukluks, gowaks and mitts. I would also prefer to sew with fur as much as possible, which I find easier to sew by hand. For other materials, I will use a machine. I particularly like to sew with beaver skin, which is warm and soft. I also did spotted cows mukluks for one of my sons, with the pattern on the outside and they turned out to be pretty unique!

Artist Bio: 

Cindy was born and raised in Aklavik, Northwest Territories. She never had the chance to learn to sew while growing up, but started sewing after she enrolled in a sewing program at the Aurora College. Cindy loves to sew for and with members of her family.

Last Updated: May 17, 2023

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