Amber Henry
I began my career as an actor in Toronto working my way through non-profits and talent agencies as an administrator to pay the bills. When I realized I was saying no to so many opportunities to maintain my starving artist title, I gave it all up to start over in Dublin, Ireland where I swore I'd never date another Canadian. The Universe laughed and after two years away from home I found myself engaged to a Northern boy and starting a new adventure in a part of Canada I said I'd never live (more laughing from the Universe here).
Many people come to the north to adventure in the snowy wilderness, but I came just to see what would happen and I have been busy ever since. I strive for a simple lifestyle, but my inability to sit still gets in the way of that. While I'm sure that the Universe isn't done laughing at me, I have learned to put that never word to sleep... anything is possible.