Joanna Grant

North Slave
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Artist Bio: 

I am a born and raised Yellowknifer, a wife to a manly but gentle Scotsman, a mother of two high energy toddler boys, and at my deepest core, a storycrafter. I love to tell stories of heart, faith, humor and truth through the power of motion pictures. My ultimate aim is to collaborate with and empower other northern filmmakers, artists and ordinary people to help tell their extraordinary stories to the world in order to transform lives for the better.

After graduating from St Patrick’s High School in 2007, I attended Peace River Bible Institute for one year to study the Word of God, then traveled and volunteered in South America for 5 months to get a taste of other cultures different from my own. I then attended Vancouver Film School in 2010 completing a diploma in the Foundations in Visual Art & Design program and returned North to start my career and help grow the local film industry. For the past seven years I have been living and working in Yellowknife as a freelance filmmaker, and a video and television editor.

When I need a break from the computer screen you'll find me enjoying a variety of hands on artsy fartsy crafts and hobbies including wire sculpting, essential oil blending, gardening, creating raw food treats, song writing, fabric crafts, acrylic painting, and pyrography (woodburning).

Last Updated: May 25, 2023

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