Berna Base

My name is Berna Base, a Tlicho ancestry, born and raised in and around Somba'ke (Yellowknife, NT), where I am currently residing.
Growing up I learned to create beading art by watching and observing my late grandma, Bella Base and other family members, sew, bead and put together moccasins, mitts or other traditional arts, from start to finish. It definitely was fascinating to watch the finished products come together.
Who knew back then I would carry on the traditional knowledge by picking up a needle and thread in the spring of 2021, and use it in todays modern traditional arts creating unique beaded jewelry. I am always learning and eager to learn new techniques and use other traditional art pieces like hide, fur to use as tufting, porcupine quills and use each pieces to create a beautiful unique beaded jewelry.
I love the fact that I am able to create anywhere, and how I am able to pack few items and sit sew anywhere. You will see me at parks in town, sitting in my vehicle while my youngest son plays.
I have a facebook page called "Beading for the Soul" where I post my beaded creations or market vendors I will be taking part in locally. Please find us and join!
Masi cho (thank you) for this great opportunity to present my unique and authentic beaded creations, hand made in the NWT by an indigenous beaded artist from the Tlicho Ancestry, who is always learning and up for new challenges. I am looking forward to connecting with the NWT Arts Program, and the great opportunities this program has to offer its NWT residents.