Andrew Debogorski

North Slave
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Artist Story

We regret to advise readers that Andrew has passed away. His profile remains in his memory.


I am a hip-hop performer. I have always listened to music and when I was about 15, I started writing and creating my own lyrics. Not too many people do hip hop in the North and I would like to think I have a different style in the way I go about some of my tracks. I tell all sorts of stories, sometimes about an event, person or place. Sometimes it is serious but sometimes it is irrelevant and I am just getting something off my chest or being silly.

I am influenced by all genres of music. Art is just a reflection of emotions, my own past and myself. Sometimes I will make a track with other artists and there will already be something laid down so we have a direction to go from. Or I start simply writing a couple lines about a theme and go from there. It can be very abstract. It is nice to put some effort into something and have it come together in the end. If it is polished or even a bit dirty still, it’s great to sit back and take stock and have other people enjoy it as well.

Last Updated: May 29, 2023

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